Nimble Fingers
In Honor of Home Artisans
October 2019
Bring us your knitters, your weavers, your yarn lovers. Or maybe just kids who are curious about a time in America when people made their own garments. We’re not saying that someone you know doesn’t do a little quilting now and then. But the craft of knitting, once ubiquitous, is fast becoming the province of either the elderly or “fabric artists.”
In honor of the venerated art of crafting handmade textiles, the Coral Gables Museum has been exhibiting “America Weaves” since June, a display of colorful possibilities executed by two dozen artists of the cloth.
As a final tribute, the museum is holding a knitting event Saturday, Oct. 12, from 2 – 5 p.m. The idea is for the curious to come by and look, learn and participate. As the iconoclastic artists of the Bauhaus once declared, “We must come back to craftsmanship!” Just BYOY (bring your own yarn); there might be some to spare, but just in case…