Juan Della Torre
Founder & Owner, Open Stage Club
September 2018
A native of Buenos Aires, Juan Della Torre moved to Miami in 2002 as an officer of Citibank. Here he earned an MBA from FIU to advance his banking career, but never forgot his love of music. After starting a band and seeing how difficult it was to be a musician here, he decided he could do more to advance music in South Florida by providing a venue. In 2013, he founded the Open Stage Club, downtown Coral Gables’ only nightly live music establishment.
Celebrating this August his 5th year in business at 2325 Galiano St., successfully programming music to appeal to a variety of audiences.
“I love all music. There are no good or bad genres, only good or bad music in each. We have jazz nights, rock nights, Latin nights – we have disco nights. And I enjoy all of them,” says Della Torre. As to why he located his club in Coral Gables, he says, “At one point I was looking at Fort Lauderdale and Miami Beach, but I realized there was something about [both places] that was too touristy. They weren’t going to take it seriously. I wanted to appeal to a crowd that resided in the area, and with a cultural interest that would appreciate it. So, the Gables was a great fit.”
Among his favorite nights: One Friday each month when they play Argentina rock from the 1990s, which raged across Latin America in the wake of anti-English sentiment following the war with Britain over the Malvenas (Falkland) Islands.