December City Hall: Boater Safety, Biltmore Updates, Pickleball Courts, and More
At its only meeting in December, the Coral Gables City Commission:
Considering Boater Safety
Listened to a presentation on boater safety issues and options by Gulliver Prep eighth grader William Bailine. Bailine’s school project led to a larger passion for this issue, which has been a hot topic after a teen was fatally struck by a boat earlier this year. Bailine suggested higher fines for violators, the establishment of boater licensure requirements, and the creation of a “uniform safety system whereby watercraft users… are required to wear a visible device when they’re in the water that can be deployed as needed,” similar to a SCUBA diver’s red flag.
Solar Powered Burgers
Voted 5-0 to accept a $20,000 grant from the Villagers, Miami-Dade County’s oldest historic preservation organization, for the installation of solar panels on the roof of The Birdie Bistro (AKA the former Burger Bob’s).
Mediterranean Updated
Voted 5-0 to amend the city’s zoning code to make changes to the Mediterranean Bonus, which provides incentives for developments that match the city’s Mediterranean aesthetic, (mostly allowing extra height). The proposed changes would require a conceptual review by the Board of Architects, remove redundant criteria and supplement existing criteria, and include the use of more Mediterranean building examples. The item spurred much debate, including over an hour of public comment. Most residents favored more rigorous standards for the bonus, including former mayor Dorothy Thomson. “The heavy work has been done,” said Vice Mayor Rhonda Anderson, who sponsored the item. “It’s time to… give the Board of Architects what they need in order to address better Mediterranean design….” The Commission also voted 5-0 to explore using additional conceptual reviews, including joint meetings between the Board of Architects, the Planning and Zoning Board, the City Architect, and the public.
A Grant for Freebee
Voted 5-0 to accept a grant from the Florida Department of Transportation for Freebee funding in the amount of $255,185.
Biltmore Resolution
Listened to an update on the unpermitted alterations of the Biltmore Hotel’s lower lobby. Over the next 45 days, the city will inspect all historic areas of the hotel to ensure their integrity. An initial walkthrough revealed other unpermitted projects outside the lower lobby, which has been the focus of controversy. Commissioner Ariel Fernandez asked Biltmore EVP Tom Prescott, “What assurances can you give us as a Commission that this isn’t going to happen again?” He
continued, “We need to be able to, as a city, trust that we can give you the keys to the Biltmore Hotel [and] it’s going to be preserved.” Prescott said he took the stewardship of the hotel “very seriously” and that meetings with city staff were already clarifying matters over what projects were considered regular maintenance and what needed permitting. Fernandez suggested having a full-time staffer at the Biltmore to keep an eye on things; City Manager Amos Rojas, Jr. assured him there would be more frequent evaluations at the hotel. Fernandez also suggested creating a Biltmore Advisory Board to suggest ways to improve the hotel.
Legislative Priorities

Listened to Vice Mayor Anderson’s update on the city’s legislative priorities, which the city hopes to get passed by the state. Florida senators and representatives, most notably Senator Ileana Garcia (who represents Coral Gables), have sponsored several items to address public and private school bus safety, penalties for cyber stalking, penalties for operating a vessel while intoxicated, and guidelines for nature-based methods to improve coastal resilience. Four new items are: prohibiting false statements to support the removal of trees and requiring a permit for stump grinding to avoid impacting underground lines; reducing future insurance costs in Florida and requiring discounts for property owners that invested in their homes to meet higher windstorm ratings; amending the Live Local Act to require notice to neighboring municipalities regarding projects within a prescribed radius; and amending the definition of “recovered materials” in Florida statutes to allow for composting and the reuse of green materials. The city is also submitting three new projects for funding, including: improvements to road
safety in Zone 5 (which straddles US-1); ADA improvements in the Central Business District; and the rehabilitation of the Granada Basin sewer system to reduce ground and stormwater intrusion into the sanitary sewer system. The city is asking the state for just under $1.2 million total for these projects, which it will match by half.
More Pickleball Courts

Voted 5-0 to expedite the development of designs for dedicated pickleball courts at the Biltmore’s Kerdyk Tennis Center. The Commission also voted 5-0 to fund a planning study to maximize pickleball courts at Kerdyk without losing tennis courts.
Update on City Hall Repairs
Listened to an update on City Hall repairs and renovation. While shoring is expected to be completed by end of January, additional exploration and repair plans, plus the assessment, design and permitting, and procurement will take another 2.5 years, meaning construction won’t even begin until mid-2027. Mayor Lago called the schedule presented by staff “cautious” and “very, very conservative” and protested the evacuation of City Hall again. He and Assistant City Manager José Gómez disagreed over the safety of staff working at City Hall, which Mayor Lago maintained is perfectly safe. Surprisingly, Commissioner Melissa Castro seemed to break from her colleagues Commissioners Fernandez and Kirk Menendez and indicated that she was open to keeping her office at City Hall occupied for now. Further updates will come once shoring is officially completed. The Commission voted 5-0 to negotiate a contract with Gables-based R.J. Heisenbottle Architects for the restoration work.
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