Coral Gables Magazine February 2024 Issue (Home Edition)
Editor’s Note
This February issue is our first annual Home Edition, and nothing could be more fitting for the City of Coral Gables. To say that our residents are obsessed with their homes might actually be an understatement. Residents of the Gables are inordinately proud of their homes, just as they are proud of their canopied neighborhoods.
What it takes to make a beautiful home is, of course, both a matter of taste and debate. Styles do change. Before the advent of the profession of interior design — hardly a century old — home designs were typically coordinated with the architecture of the building. Queen Ann style home equaled Queen Ann style furnishings. Victorian style houses meant Victorian style interiors. And so forth.
Today we largely defer to the professionals, those who understand how to enhance an interior design to create a pleasing aesthetic environment, with a tip of the hat to functionality, especially in the use and placement of appliances ranging from stoves to television screens.
In view of our own (we confess) ignorance in these matters, we queried the three interior designers whose work we have featured in our Home Section: Maritzo Capiro, Ivette Arango, and Monique Miller. We are happy to report here the latest trends, and happy to report that they are in rough agreement. What’s out? Grey. And white kitchens. And sleek sterility. What’s in? Color, especially green. And deep rich hues. And (wait for it) wallpaper.
For further insights into what makes for good design, please enjoy our section beginning on page 57, which also includes a quick guide to some of the items proffered by the numerous design-oriented stores that call the Gables home. Now, go make your home even more beautiful!