Raimundo Rodulfo
Director of IT, Chief Innovation Officer, City of Coral Gables
Prior to joining the City of Coral Gables in 2004, Raimundo Rodulfo worked for 10 years in the private sector, including seven years with BellSouth as a development engineer. He was named the city’s director of Information Technology in 2013. Since then he has overseen a dramatic expansion of the city’s IT capabilities, from systems that monitor streets for the police, to the creation of a Smart City Hub that shares data with the public on everything from city tax revenues to the latest traffic patterns. Last year, the Center for Digital Government awarded the city first place nationwide for innovative technologies in cities with 75,000 or fewer residents.
Latest Achievement
Set up the city’s new primary Datacenter/Network Headquarters at the new Public Safety Building; Named one of “30 State and Local Government IT Influencers” for 2020 by StateTech Magazine; Coral Gables named one of “8 Smart Cities to Watch” by the same; Coral Gables named No. 1 for Urban Infrastructure in the “Smart 50 Awards” by the Smart Cities Connect Foundation; Coral Gables selected as one of 17 public agencies nationwide for the National Science Foundation’s STIR Labs program to connect government with academia.
What He Says
“In IT you have to learn every day. It changes every day and you have to change with it. COVID has been a test for us,” he says. “We collaborate with UM, FIU and NIST (the National Institute of Standards & Technology) to be in touch with the latest… All these research collaborations have let us improve our technologies [for] a complete new network core that is faster, more resilient, and more secure. For computer geeks like us that is exciting. Imagine you were running a computer from 10 years ago and you suddenly got a new one from today.”