Horse Play

Horsepower that Heals Lassoes $15,000 at the Coral Gables Museum

December 2018

Give Back for Special Equestrians, a non-profit that provides therapeutic horseback riding for disabled children and veterans, is riding high after raising $15,000 at Tally Ho!, its first Miami event, held at the Coral Gables Museum at the end of November.  

The fundraiser featured a discussion about the history of horses in Coral Gables by noted historian Arva Moore Parks McCabe and the museum’s historian-in-residence, Malcolm Lauredo. Coral Gables founder George Merrick’s vision for the city included horses and their importance in a well-rounded social and sporting lifestyle.  

During the event, Give Back for Special Equestrians presented a $15,000 check to the Good Hope Equestrian Training Center, its stable partner that provides equine-assisted therapy programs. More than 100 guests attended the event to support the non-profit, which was co-founded by Sissy DeMaria Koehne and Dr. Heather Kuhl. For more information, call 305.608.5350 or visit