Custom Made Suits by Pepi Bertini

For Over 25 Years, Pepi Bertini Has Been Dressing Some of the Best Dressed Men in Coral Gables

Cuban-born Pepi Bertini fell in love with the art of making a beautiful suit from his dad, who was in the manufacturing and retail business in Cuba. His father loved pinstripe suits, leather shoes, and thin ties. The glamorous ’50s nightlife of Cuba, when men wore suits almost everywhere, left an indelible mark on young Bertini.

Upon moving to Miami, Coral Gables was home to the family. Bertini grew up biking all over the city and the Venetian Pool was his favorite destination. He started his career in the Gables working at an Italian clothing store while taking classes at Miami Dade College in Fashion Merchandising and Design, opening his shop in March 1993.

Custom-Made Suits by Pepi Bertini

Pepi Bertini is a serious men’s boutique. You can certainly pop in and buy off the rack, but most likely you’ve made an appointment to see the master himself for the fitting of an immaculate suit and custom shirt. You may also be there for your custom wedding tuxedo or groomsman suit, which has become a big part of his business.

Custom Made Suits

“Custom suit-making and tailoring is a science like any other field,” he says. “It’s a true art form to get it right, and when it’s right you have a suit that has taken at least 16 hours of handwork to complete and fits you perfectly.” If you aren’t sold yet, he says the right fit can make you look taller and thinner, and who doesn’t want that?

This comes with a price, of course, but the steady clientele certainly dictates that it’s worth it.  Ties cost $140 and up, stock shirts go for $300, and off  the rack suits (with renowned Canali and Zanella labels) start at $1,500. Custom pieces go up from there – $2,100 to $8,000 for suits and $375 to $800 for shirts. We asked about trends, but it really isn’t their thing. The brand is elegant, classic, and timeless. Bertini did, however, mention florals will be big for shirting this spring.

Bertini is the consummate professional and gentleman. He says it’s an honor to work with all his clients, many he now considers friends, and because of his “you have to work harder than 100 percent all of the time” mantra, he has managed during the pandemic to add another 40 clients to his already long and established list. “I feel I am part of a big family in the City Beautiful,” he says.

Pepi Bertini

Pepi Bertini Men’s Store
357 Miracle Mile